Sunday, April 12, 2015

Easy Egg Casserole

Suzy Bee’s Kitchen

Easy Egg Casserole

8 Eggs
1/2 Cup Mascarpone Cheese
1/4 Cup Sour Cream
10~12 Slices Cooked Bacon, Chopped
2~4 Green Onion, Sliced
1 Cup Gruyere/Swiss Cheese, Grated
2 Small Brioche Rolls, Cut into Cubes
Salt, Pepper, Garlic Powder and Onion Seasoning to taste

In a large mixing bowl whisk eggs, mascarpone cheese, sour cream and seasonings until fluffy, add bacon, gruyere/swiss cheese & green onions fold into egg mixture, next fold in cubed  rolls making sure the brioche bread is well coated. Let stand for at least 10~15 minutes pour mixture into a prepared 9”deep dish pie plate.

Place baking dish in a 350 degree oven and bake for 25~30 minutes or until golden.

I like this recipe because I can use whatever is in my ice box. That means veggies, cheese, bread and/or meat. This is a nice dish to serve for dinner or brunch or any other meal. Serve with a green salad or fruit and you have a lovely meal for your family.  Top it off with a nice infused water, tea or coconut milk.


** This is where I tell you that I cook by feel like my Grandmother and Mom did.
I’m passionate about my cooking and food.

                                         ~ Bon Appetit ~

©SuzyBeeWolf 2015

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